Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Interview with acclaimed fantasy author, Marianne DePierres!

 JB: Marianne, how does it make you feel to be a popular, successful author?

MDP: I acknowledge my achievements (e.g. 15 books published etc, some awards received) but I don’t consider myself either of those things, and really, those kinds of tags can make you a little bit crazy. I write what I want, help the people I can along the way, and let the rest take care of itself.

JB: Considering the present state of technology, what do you think the future of storytelling will be?

MDP: I honestly don’t know exactly where it will go other than to say ‘electronic’ will rule eventually. After that … who knows?? I do believe, however, that the art of storytelling will never disappear. The human race needs it to make sense of their existence. Without stories we would devolve.

JB: The Burn Bright book is very original. Do you feel pressure to create in-vogue storylines that fit in with popular culture?

MDP: Thank you. And absolutely not. This was a story that took seven years to write. I didn’t even know if it was YA until I finished the first draft. The story came to me and I went with it. Never had a second thought for what was around in the marketplace. 

JB: So, in your creative process, do you prefer to use word processors or write by hand?

MDP: I loathe handwriting. My fine motor coordination isn’t great and I have a very awkward pen grip. I don’t think I would ever have finished a novel if WP’s hadn’t been invented!

JB: I know just what you mean! So, how have you found working with a publishing house? In general, do you think that publishers help writers to evolve?

MDP: I'd dread NOT working with a good publisher - the collaborate effort that goes into making your books better is quite remarkable. Good publishers rock.

Thank you, Marianne, for joining me at Dark Ink for the first of my Author Interviews! 

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